【参加者募集】 Thought Sharing Event on the Crafts of Gifu ― 岐阜のモノづくり マーケティングイベント 東京で出会う岐阜



Share your vision of the crafts of GIFU!

Gifu prefecture, which is located 400km west of Tokyo, has a wide variety of unique crafts. Some are world renowned, for example, the cutlery produced in Seki-city has been exported to the U.S. and Southeast Asia since before the outbreak of World War Ⅱ.


We would like more people overseas to know about our craftsmanship which we hope may enrich their daily lives. To reach this goal, many craftsmen are eager to hear your opinions about their crafts. Whatever advice you have will be very useful for them! This may also be a good opportunity for you to learn more about Japanese culture. You will be welcomed with delicious SAKE and traditional foods!
Please do not miss this exciting experience!

Time: 7pm-9pm
Place: Tokyo Midtown (in Roppongi) Galleria 3rd floor “THE COVER NIPPON”
Admission: Free
Capacity: up to 30
Who can participate?
 - who are interested in Japanese craftsmanship
 - who have a will to share opinions about and experience the crafts of Gifu
 - who can understand either English or Japanese.
How to participate?
Please contact us telling us your name, employer, e-mail address, and the day you would like to participate.
>>> info@madeinjapan.jp / 03-5413-3243




国内の逸品を厳選して販売するライフスタイルショップ「THE COVER NIPPON(ジカバー・ニッポン)」において海外での販売を視野に入れた県産品を対象とした、岐阜県産品のテストマーケティングを 9月より2カ月間実施します。そこで、日本に在住している外国人の方々にお集まりいただき、これらの岐阜県産品を品評していただく、マーケティングイベントを開催します。

[ 日程]  2013.09.11 (wed) / 2013.10.16 (wed)
[ 場所]  東京ミッドタウン ガレリア3F THE COVER NIPPON
[ 料金]  無料
[ 時間] 19:00-21:00(受付開始18:30)
[ お申込み・お問合せ]
>>> info@madeinjapan.jp / 03-5413-3243